Brighton Handbag Serial Number Lookup
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Bags are shipped directly to owners from the factory with the registration number clearly labeled so that they can be authenticated. Brighton purses are shipped with blue yarn inside the seams to help ensure the durability of the handbag and to identify it as a Brighton.
Browse the Brighton catalog and you will notice that many of the purses and handbags look similar to the ones shown here. In most cases, the style of Brighton purses and handbags is not predetermined by the manufacturer and may be influenced by the current fashion. The Brighton purses and handbags shown on the site may be samples of purses or handbags shown in the Brighton catalog. However, many of the purses and handbags shown here are not in the current Brighton catalog because they are in production. The Brighton purses and handbags shown here are not limited to the current season and are available to purchase at Brighton dealers.
The Victoria and Albert Museum has this to say about Brighton purses and handbags: “In the 18th and 19th centuries Brighton was the most fashionable resort for the fashionable set. It was one of the first places to introduce new fashions, and the city became particularly associated with the de rigueur ornamental headwear of the period. Brighton became known as the ‘society’s port of call’, and men donned their finest hats, which were designed by the city’s haberdashers, and women theirs by the city’s milliners.”
This is a relatively small purse with 12 compartments and a zippered closure. It has a crystal-like appearance, which is said to have been inspired by a brass storage clock from the period. Brighton purses and handbags are a fashion statement.
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