What pit falls are there? And how do we Country Email List actually approach hybrid working? Hybrid working… but how? It is clear that hybrid working is becoming the new modus operandi for the vast majority of organizations. After all, all the way back to the Country Email List office, that's no longer the case. Many organizations no longer want that, for example Country Email List to save square meters (and therefore costs). But many employees no longer want it , because although they have experienced the disadvantages, but also the advantages of working from home.
Photo of person at desk, rubbing sleep because Country Email List of headache Even the organizations with employees who would all prefer to go all the way back to the office, have to think about whether that makes sense in the longer term. Because your Country Email List current team may want to, but people will eventually leave, and there is a good Country Email List chance that new employees will eventually want to work partly from home. This poses the question for Country Email List all organizations: how are we going to organize hybrid work? An immense amount has been published about this in the past eighteen months or two years. Both scientifically substantiated and based on practical experience at fully remote and, last year, temporarily hybrid operating organizations. Of course I also participated in that.
Experimenting for the next 6 months Country Email List Last year I already announced the beginning of the hybrid era. In the end, that turned out to be a bit premature, because relaxation of the corona measures was quickly reversed in September and also last Country Email List winter. But now that everything is possible and allowed again, my expectation is that this will certainly last until the end of the summer . Unless another new virus variant throws a spanner in Country Email List the works, of course. In other words: from March to September we can fully experiment with and get used to all kinds of new forms of working and collaboration that we have recently come up with under the heading of 'hybrid working'. Amazing, fascinating and exciting at the same time. Because none of us have real experience with this.