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22. The Church has always held the sacred books in the highest esteem, and has wished them to be respected and preserved intact and unaltered, so that they might always be an example of divine and human wisdom, a treasure of clearness and truth, the highway to salvation, the source and the summit of all divine and human knowledge and all forms of piety and devotion. For this reason the sacred books are not only to be read and studied but are to be unceasingly guarded and preserved, by Christians themselves and by their pastors, in the face of all danger and in all circumstances. Therefore the Church
also holds the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by which the Scriptures were written, in high esteem and she invokes divine assistance and protection on them, so that they may not be altered or tampered with. In this way the sacred books may always be faithful witnesses of divine revelation and of the faith of the Church, of her undivided adherence to the truth, and of the Church's charity towards Christ. They may be consulted for teaching the Christian people, for showing them the face of God, and for edifying them in spiritual life.
23. In this way the Church has always venerated the Bible, and Christ's teaching in particular, and has always taught that the pure doctrine of faith must be preserved in its entirety. The sacred text of the Old and New Testament, as well as the sacred tradition of the living Magisterium, are regarded as her own special deposit, which she holds in the highest esteem. For this reason she has always shown profound respect to the sacred books even as they are in her own possession, and has never hesitated to draw the necessary conclusions from them in order to confirm her own teaching. In fact she has never ceased to seek the guidance and help of divine inspiration by which the holy Fathers were guided in compiling the sacred Scriptures. As a result, she has always maintained that the inspiration, that is, the sacred authorship, of the Scriptures in question is and remains unquestioned.
22. All the faithful of every time and place are called to the reading and to the study of Sacred Scripture, which is so rich in history, so certain in divine doctrine, so clear in its teaching and so full of wonderful and abundant grace. We have the duty of reading it for ourselves, like our first and only teacher. No one should be deprived of the right and freedom of studying these writings, which at the same time are a prayer, a praise and an exhortation for the whole Church. Since they are inspired by God, the Church receives, as it were, a vision of the Father, who reveals to us the truth of His Son. She then receives the words of the prophets and the Apostles, and so they nourish her faith and her hope, they strengthen her charity, they increase her zeal for the glory of God the Father, they give her the courage to penetrate more deeply into the mystery of the gospel of Christ, the light of which penetrates every part of her and illuminates her steps. 827ec27edc